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1812 Overture for Wind Orchestra

By yorkiejs in General 1161 views 13th Feb, 2022 Video Duration: 00:15:47
The Year 1812, Festival Overture in E flat major, Op. 49,[1] popularly known as the 1812 Overture or the Overture of 1812 is an overture written by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1880 to commemorate Russia's defense of Moscow against Napoleon's advancing Grande Armée at the Battle of Borodino in 1812. The overture debuted in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow on August 20 [O.S. August 8] 1882,[2] conducted by Ippolit Al'tani.[3] The overture is best known for its climactic volley of cannon fire, ringing chimes, and brass fanfare finale.

WING CONCERT 24th February 2012, 4-5 days
Playing: Shijonawate Gakuen High School brass band

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