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My favorite FREE GAME that isn't on Steam... revisiting Renegade X

By Heavymetal in General 2624 views 24th Apr, 2021 Video Duration: 00:12:23
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  • ESET. Heavy
  • that's the best m8 i like that AV it hardly uses pc resources , just right click it and exit the software, install the game, once installed rethat's the best m8 i like that AV it hardly uses pc resources , just right click it and exit the software, install the game, once installed re enable the AV software run the game it might ask you to allow access through the firewall click accept and you should be good to play, any probs m8 drop me a email mate  More ...
  • Thanks Heavy, If Eset puts a stop to any downloads, then I am very wary, I have just put all my stuff back on from Microsoft deciding to download aThanks Heavy, If Eset puts a stop to any downloads, then I am very wary, I have just put all my stuff back on from Microsoft deciding to download a different Operating System, which I did not ask for. Looks as if it could be a good game.  More ...
  • Yorkie you must of installed and uninstalled more than anyone in the world looooooooooooooool
  • Ah but Kitty, if I did not keep up to date with the in's and out's of this thingy called a computer, I would forget how to turn it on. LOL
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