•   chrisboots commented on this post about 9 hours ago
    I have stitched in some code into our COD4 server mod that allows the disabling of all perks, as per the picture. It is currently on this server If a few of you could pop on and try it that would be great. The perk still shows in your class but it shouldn't work. When I tested it, I only had one grenade when the class showed I should have 3. Let me know what perks you feel should be off and after a couple of test days I will add it to the main servers.
    • Calm down, you are truly showing your wild side kitty. I thought whilst sorting the tripple nade thing then lets make it all switchable. It can beCalm down, you are truly showing your wild side kitty. I thought whilst sorting the tripple nade thing then lets make it all switchable. It can be just nades.
        More ...
    • Flatsix sorry came on here to destress with a certain person back in Freeman for emergency surgery so yes I am in freak out mode sorry I will haveFlatsix sorry came on here to destress with a certain person back in Freeman for emergency surgery so yes I am in freak out mode sorry I will have a break from here for a few days probably the best thing x  More ...
    • Thanks so much for this Flatty. At this stage, I'm only looking at removing triple nades on TDM. The smaller maps just get ruined by a hail of nadesThanks so much for this Flatty. At this stage, I'm only looking at removing triple nades on TDM. The smaller maps just get ruined by a hail of nades and very little shooting. The other perks would stay as they currently are.  More ...
    • I've tried that out now and it works as expected for me. When you are happy with it Flatty, can we have the triple nades disabled on the TDM serverI've tried that out now and it works as expected for me. When you are happy with it Flatty, can we have the triple nades disabled on the TDM server but the rest left as it is currently? I.E. no tripple nades, no grenade launcher and no rpg, the rest allowed. Ta  More ...
    • yep just the one nice
    • and lets get that last stand off to lol and TC kd will go right down from 60 kills to 30 kill's
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