Monday, 01 April 2024
  3 Replies
  2K Visits
Hi Folks

Thought I would post this to help out any high pingers in game. For a while I have not understood why when in the server browser I would see a ping of around 10 for all our servers, but once in game my ping would raise to around 23.

So after a bit of digging, these settings have now meant my in game ping matches the browser ping. Basically COD4 and WAW were setup for users that would at the time (2007/2008) would have internet speeds that were limited to a couple of MB's. Now the world has changed so there is a need to adjust to suit.

Open the console when in the game menu using the ` key and then apply these settings to adjust your network usage.

/sv_maxrate 25000 (Default is 5000)
/snaps 30 (Default is 20)
/cl_maxpackets 125 for Cod4 or 100 for WaW (Default is 30)

I hope the above helps a few of the high pingers out there. You may need to reduce some of them if you internet is slower or has a lot of packet loss but if you are over 50 down and 10 up they should be fine.


9 months ago
It didnt work for me. Still into the 300ish... I have good ISP and internet connectivity but just WaW goes haywire everytime. Dunno why if its the game itself and my region not co-existing
Thanks Boss
omg more instructions arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I go into panic mode :o
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