Wednesday, 03 October 2018
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Left the OGHF in body on the 22.02.2015, but will always be remembered.

I am writing this with both joy in my heart, for knowing Athole and a sadness that I will never hear his voice again.
Back in 2008 I first thought up the name Old Gits Having Fun and started to think, how I could create a community that
would bring together players who felt similar to me. This would then also help create a safe environment for my son
to enjoy his first experiences of online gaming.

I never thought at that time, I would be fortunate enough to meet an individual like Athole.
Over the years that followed we spent many hours having fun with the fellow OGHF members and between the two of us.
In that period there were a number of challenges that arose and he was all ways there to help keep all involved calm and happy.
Also I cannot express the gratitude enough that I feel for the support and guidance he provided my son throughout that
period and I always knew he would look out for him if I was not around.

His involvement with the running of the community was not always fun, but he stuck with it and always kept what
was best for the OGHF as his number one priority.

I have met many people throughout my lifetime and not many actually have an effect on how you actually enjoy life.
Without doubt I can say that Athole definitely helped me and many others enjoy their time within the OGHF.
I cannot promise that the OGHF with be here forever, but I am sure it will be around for many years to
come and in that time I promise that Athole’s contribution will always be remembered and celebrated.

So old friend my final words are those that you muttered to me on many nights, in only the way you could…

“Nite Nite and don’t let the Bed Bugs Bite”
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