Saturday, 11 May 2019
  12 Replies
  6.5K Visits
Anyone wishing to join our TeamSpeak can do so by downloading the program from here -

You will also need a Headset or Microphone and Speakers.

Once installed you need to enter our TS info so you can connect to our Server.
1 Open the "Bookmarks" tab
2 Select manage Bookmarks
3 At the bottom left corner of the window click "Add bookmark"
4 Change "Bookmark Name" to OGHF
5 In the "Nickname" box add your name - Game name for preference so we know who you are.
6 Enter the server IP in the "Server Nickname or Address" Server IP is or
Click "Apply"
You should now be able to connect.

Before you connect you will need to set up your Communication device in "Tools/Options" look for "playback" and "Capture"

We ask that you also setup a "Push to Talk" button either on your Keyboard or Mouse this is also in the "Capture" area of "Options"

If you have any questions feel free to PM me or post it here.

Anyone who already has TeamSpeak installed can use the link from our HomePage - click on the small icon next to where it says "Old Gits Having Fun V7" see attched pic
Attachments (1)
Thanks Roger m8 , common ladies and gentlemen , dont be shy :)
what Robby your saying ladies are common looooooooooool:p
It looks and sound much funnier on TS than here lol
Cmon guys'n'gals. More fun when on TS plus you get to abuse Aims lol :D
Cmon guys'n'gals. More fun when on TS plus you get to abuse Aims lol :D

Trashcan is there too. So come on in!
Nothing like giving Dusty some stick :D :D :D
Nothing like giving Dusty some stick :D :D :D

Yeah there is a lot of trash talk........
4 years ago
Be good to hear some more voices
Bump :D Take the hint people lol
Yes people come join I want to hear them accents plus every Friday its sausage day. :o :p
4 years ago
Dodo likes a good craik wid folk :D
It would be good for TDM, there are channels that can separate the chat.
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