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OGHF Spawn Protection

By Flatsix in Gaming 590 views 21st Apr, 2023 Video Duration: 00:01:33
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  • Without playing it at all, my first thought is that 30s is much too long for TDM. Part of the point of TDM is you establish a 'base of operations'Without playing it at all, my first thought is that 30s is much too long for TDM. Part of the point of TDM is you establish a 'base of operations' and push out, as a team, from there. 30s would allow you to run through the opposition and behind them before you 'armed up', so destroying the dynamic of the game and effectively turning it into DM.

    It's an interesting idea and I would like to try it out but I would suggest 7-8s as a starting point. That would give you plenty of time to get well clear of a spawn but not break the dynamics of TDM as a 'team' game.
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  • The 10 seconds you set it at is great
  • Awol I tried 30 seconds with Mr Six and it was too long I was just running around crazy to test it and couldn't get shot at, so he thought 10Awol I tried 30 seconds with Mr Six and it was too long I was just running around crazy to test it and couldn't get shot at, so he thought 10 seconds and I thought that is ok. Maybe 7 or 8 seconds would be ok as Trash says. Maybe Mr Six can try 8 secs tomorrow.  More ...
  • Great upgrade! I think this should be 10 to 15s max. A more advanced concept could be returning fire damage when a player is targeted in spawn. ThisGreat upgrade! I think this should be 10 to 15s max. A more advanced concept could be returning fire damage when a player is targeted in spawn. This would undoubtedly be the best lesson for spawnkillers.  More ...
  • Right, the weapon/spawn protection Mod is loaded back in now with 7 Second timer. I don't think it will activate until the server restarts.
  • Cat 30 seconds isn't long enough you always get shot
  • ad3y ok I get Mr Six to make it 59 seconds lol
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