•   DirectDebit reacted to this post about 8 months ago
    SPT|Balu updated his profile picture
    Comments (2)
    • I hope you can continue doing that work for a long time.
      Because here (in the Netherlands) the subsidy on solar panels is being abolished,
      manyI hope you can continue doing that work for a long time.
      Because here (in the Netherlands) the subsidy on solar panels is being abolished,
      many companies are going bankrupt.

      Cheers Rob.
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    • I just installed it for me and did another for my father's house, we both connected it to the grid at the last possibility of balance billing, soI just installed it for me and did another for my father's house, we both connected it to the grid at the last possibility of balance billing, so what theese little bad boys produce at summer, I can use at winter for free, for 9 more years. But for the new ones, the provider buys your export for 4HUF/kWh, and sells for 40HUF/kWh, but if you exceed the annual 2700kWh limit, the selling price will be about 70HUF/kwh for the above. I'm expecting annually about 12000kWh from this system.

      I'm just servicing it because I have bought the newest technology no frame DAH panels, and the rubber sockets slipping a little bit on the glass.
      But since then the price of the solar panels decreased so much here in Hungary, it would still pay off, if I install huge amount, and use for example a solplanet grid connected inverter with load control, and I could control the consumption of the water heater, and the AC or the heat pumps, to operate when the power comes from sun. Of course it only works if you don't have light structure house. And it would be good if you could install at higher angles, so you will have more efficiency at winter, and less at summer, to compensate the winters low daily sunny hours.
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