Thursday, 07 April 2022
  10 Replies
  1.6K Visits
Check your setup with how mine is to see if anything is different

I have the bots file z_svr_bots.iwd in the folder called iw4x which is the same one that the iw4x_00.iwd file resides

I have any scripts that I have created ( botsofwar.iwd which I have 6 different scripts running inside that one iwd file) in the userraw folder

I have added bots control commands to the bottom of the server.cfg

// Bots
set bots_main "1" // enable this mod.
set bots_main_GUIDs "******" // a comma separated list of GUIDs of players who will be given host.
set bots_main_firstIsHost "0" // the first player to connect will be given host.
set bots_main_waitForHostTime "1" // how many seconds to wait for the host player to connect before adding bots to the match.

set bots_manage_add "9" // amount of bots to add to the game, resets to 0 once the bots have been added
set bots_manage_fill "9" // amount of players/bots (depends on bots_manage_fill_mode) to retain, it will automatically add bots to fill player space.
set bots_manage_fill_spec "0" // should server consider players who are on the spectator team when filling player space.
set bots_manage_fill_mode "1" // consider only bots or players/bots when filling player space. 0 considers both players/bots. 1 considers bots.
set bots_manage_fill_kick "0" // should server kick bots if the amount of players/bots (depends on bots_manage_fill_mode) > the value of bots_manage_fill.
set bots_team "autoassign" // indicates what team the bots should join: autoassign / allies / axis / custom
set bots_team_amount "9" // amount of bots to have on the axis team if bots_team is set to 'custom', the rest of the bots will be placed on allies team.
set bots_team_force "0" // enforce periodically the bot's team instead of just a single team when the bot is added to the game.
set bots_team_mode "0" // consider only bots or players/bots when counting players on the teams. 0 considers both players/bots. 1 considers bots.
set bots_skill "2" // bots skill. 0 will be mixed. 1 easy. 2-6 will be in between easy and hard. 7 will be the hardest. 8 will be custom.

set bots_skill_axis_hard "0"
set bots_skill_axis_med "0"
set bots_skill_allies_hard "0"
set bots_skill_allies_med "0"

set bots_loadout_reasonable "1" // filter out bad create a class selections (like no silenced miniuzi with overkill perk, etc)
set bots_loadout_allow_op "0" // bots are allowed to use jug, marty and laststand
set bots_loadout_rank "0" // what rank the bots should be around, -1 is around the players. 0 is all random. 1 or higher sets the bots' rank.
set bots_loadout_prestige "7" // what pretige the bots will be, -1 is the players. -2 is random. 0 or higher sets the bots' prestige.

set bots_play_move "1" // bots move
set bots_play_knife "1" // bots use knife
set bots_play_fire "1" // bots fire
set bots_play_nade "1" // bots use grenade
set bots_play_take_carepackages "1" // bots take carepackages
set bots_play_obj "1" // bots play the objective
set bots_play_camp "0" // bots can camp
set bots_play_jumpdrop "1" // bots jump and dropshot
set bots_play_target_other "1" // bots target helicopters
set bots_play_killstreak "1" // bots use killstreaks
set bots_play_ads "1" // bots aim down sights

And DedicatedServer.bat:

@echo off
::/// IW4x Server Configuration start-up file ///
:://This config best view with Notepad++ or other non-windows notepad //

::// Your Rcon Password. //

set rconPass=not telling :)

::// Your Game Server Port. //
::// Make sure you Port Forward both UDP&TCP //

set GamePort=28961

::// Offline/Private LAN Party Mode //
::// 0 Disable (Boradcast Online) //
::// 1 Enable (Unlisted & Private Offline Mode) //

set LANMode=0

::// Load a mod on your server //
::// Example: ModfolderName=mods/bots //

set ModFolderName=

::// Your edited server.cfg in the "userraw" folder goes here //
::// This is were you edit your hostname, map & gamemodes from. //

set ServerFilename=server.cfg

:://You done!! WARNING!!! Don't mess with anything below this line //

start iw4x.exe -dedicated +set fs_game "%ModFolderName%" +set sv_lanonly "%LANMode%" +set net_port "%GamePort%" +set rcon_password "%RconPass%" +exec %ServerFilename% +map_rotate

Hope this throws some light onto the problem you are having... if not then I don't know what is causing your problem - unless you are running the wrong bat file

updated the category from Games and Servers not listed above to IW4x — 1 year ago
If there was one perk I would delete it would be the nuke. Not a lot of point in playing a bot server with nuke IMHO.

compliance :D
If there was one perk I would delete it would be the nuke. Not a lot of point in playing a bot server with nuke IMHO.
I hate the Nuke :o
I knew Mad was a Robot :D
As a side note
I have a killstreak mod that configures things like the nuke... stops it ending the game
called z_H3X1Cs-Killstreaks-Remastered-v1.6
Here is the commands that I added to my server.cfg to set certain elements
Some I have commented out as I use the defaults
THis will give you an idea of what can be configured


set scr_nukeTimer 10 - Nuke timer in seconds (Default=10)
set scr_nuke_is_moab 1 - 0= Nuke acts normally (ending game after detonation) / 1= Nuke acts like MW3 MOAB (Game does not end after detonation) (Default=0 -> Disabled)
set scr_nuke_aftermath_duration 1 - Aftermath vision duration(s) (Default=0 -> PermanentVision)
set scr_nuke_active_vehicles 0 - 0= Doesn't destory vehicles (Air support) on nuke detonation [not an EMP] / 1= Destroys all vehicles (Air support) on nuke detonation [not an EMP] (Default=0 -> Disabled)
set scr_nuke_emp_duration 0 - EMP triggered on nuke detonation, specify emp duration in seconds (Default=0 -> Disabled)
set scr_nukeCancelMode 1 - 0= Disables this feature, nukes will behave as normal / 1= If nuke caller is killed nuke cancelled (Cut content) / 2= If nuke caller is killed nuke cancelled and emp detonated (Cut content) (Default=0 -> Disabled)
set scr_nuke_earthquake_magnitude 0 - 0= Disbled earthquake / Standard earthquake magnitude (numeric value) (Default=0.6)
set scr_nuke_earthquake_duration 0 - 0= Disabled earthquake / Standard earthquake duration (numeric value) (Default=10)
set scr_nuke_kills_all 0 - 0= Disables this feature, nuke only kills other team / 1= Kills every player in the game (Default=0 -> Disabled)
set scr_nuke_clasic_mode 1 - 0= Disables this features / 1= Two harriers and two stealth bombers, fly by dropping the nuke (Default=1)


set scr_emp_duration 45 - EMP duration in seconds (Default=60)


set scr_ac130_duration 60 - AC130 duration in seconds (Default=40)
set scr_ac130_flares 2 - Number of flares (Default=2)

//Predator Missile//

//set scr_predator_earthquake_magnitude 0 - 0= Disbled earthquake / Standard earthquake magnitude (numeric value) (Default=0.6)
//set scr_predator_earthquake_radius 0 - Disbled earthquake
//set scr_predator_quake_radius 5000 - Standard earthquake radius (Default=5000)
//set scr_predator_earthquake_duration 0 - 0= Disabled earthquake / Standard earthquake duration (numeric value) (Default=2)


//set scr_uav_timeout 30 - UAV timer in seconds (Default=30)
//set scr_counter_uav_timeout 30 - Counter UAV in seconds (Default=30)
//set scr_uav_forceon 0 - 0= Disables forced UAV / 1= Force permanent radar on (Default=0 -> Disabled)


//set scr_helicopter_cobra_duration 60 - Chopper Gunner duration in seconds (Default=60)
//set scr_helicopter_cobra_missile 1 - 0= Disable missile support / 1= Attack helicopters will now shoot missiles at targets (Default=1 -> Enabled)


//set scr_helicopter_pavelow_duration 60 - Pavelow duration in seconds (Default=60)

//set scr_helicopter_apache_duration 40 - Chopper Gunner duration in seconds (Default=40)

Not been able to get it to revert to lobby game.. so don't know why yours is doing it

I have set it up to kick bots and put them back once players leave. Been on and total of 3 real players at the end of the round two of us left and the bots rejoined. No ill effects. Will let it run like that now and see what happens

Will report back later

end of a round when a large number of players leave the server and reverts back to being a higher percentage of Bots.

That's where mine differs, I have a set number of bots. They are set at 9 and don't leave or rejoin as a player leaves or joins.

I will test that out

Thanks for the info.

My settings are the same bar the Bot skill mine are at 3 skill and 8 in number. It is weird as the "lobbying" seems to happen at the end of a round when a large number of players leave the server and reverts back to being a higher percentage of Bots.


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