Monday, 22 January 2024
  27 Replies
  1.9K Visits
Good evening all,
I have had some bad news in that they have found a lump on my prostate gland. I have had a biopsy today and will get the results in a week or so. The MRI suggested that it was a cancerous lesion, but until the biopsy results come through, I will not know how bad.

Thought I should tell you what is going on behind the gaming scene.

11 months ago
Great news Twiz. Very happy for you.


That is indeed the best news one can get.

Stay positive and good things come your way.(HearSay)

Cheers Rob. ;)
11 months ago
Thanks all,

Guys as you get older it is definitely worth getting a PSA blood test on a regular basis, from your doctors. (As TC has said)

It is a natural occurrence that the prostate enlarges as you age, but a PSA will give early indications of anything amiss.

I did not get a PSA until they had already found the lump and luckily it was normal.

I waited three years for a hospital appointment and things could have been a lot worse.

The MRI they did, suggested a high likelihood of cancer, but this is not a definite diagnosis as I found out later and they can downgrade this.

Wish they had told me that before hand as I was convinced by the MRI report that it was not good and it would have saved me a few weeks of stress.

They have told me that I have BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) which is basically abnormal cells enlarging the gland, which is treatable.

Guess the moral is don't take a chance get it checked.

Apologies to the ladies on this very male issue.:D

11 months ago
Good news that mate.:)

How you perform tomorrow is how you prepare today.

That's great, Optimism worked! Glad to hear of your positively negative result... I hate the medical backwardsness :)
11 months ago

That's the best news i heard today!
indeed such a relief <3
For those interested in learning more about screening, this is a good (but quite technical) article - Screening for prostate cancer

A key takeaway is that it doesn't actually make that much difference to morbidity and there are downsides. Personally, I believe in informed decision making for myself but that isn't for everybody.
Wonderful to hear this Twiz (I'm sure I posted this before but maybe it got lost in the website rollback).

Also prompted me to ask the doctor for PSA testing. I've been meaning to do it for the last couple of years after reading one of those posters above the urinal in a service station but your post finally spurred me to sort it out. My father died of prostate cancer in his 70s and although my increased isn't as bad as if he had been younger, I still have an increased risk.

It is sad that prostate screening is still such a hit and miss affair (both false positives and negatives) but it is all we have ATM.
Thats great news mate
That is fantastic news Twiz, what a relief for you. x
12 months ago
Hi all,

Just a quick update. I had the results of my biopsy and they were good news, no cancer diagnosis.

I still need some tests but it appears at the moment to be a good outcome, which is a big relief as you can imagine.

Thanks for all your messages by the way.

Kind regards


1 year ago
Sorry to hear this Twiz. Sounds like you been getting regular checkups for good for you too many of us guys dont. Stay positive.
Hi Twiz

That's a bit of a worry for you, but as others have said, stay positive and lets hope the results come back with some happy news.


1 year ago
Hello Twiz,

Very sorry to hear about this, hope all goes well with the results and they come back with the news we're all hoping for.
Sorry to hear that m8, take care and positive.

How you perform tomorrow is how you prepare today.

1 year ago
Hope you overcome this situation well. Take care.
Twiz mate really sorry to hear this, try and stay positive. Your dysfunctional family is here if you need us.
Sorry to hear Twiz.
As said above, try to stay positive, though it might be difficult.
Pray for a "negative" result and hope that all is going to be fine.

Cheers M8 ;)
Stand tough, thoughts are with you, like others said, wait for the results and remain optimistic.
Sorry to read this mate, fingers crossed for you!
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