•   Awol commented on this post about 2 years ago
    You asked me to ask for admin mod rights. Do I make the request with you or with someone else?
    Comments (2)
    • If you want to do it the right way, you have to aply and then it's up to the head admin wether or not he/she thinks you're qualified and /or able forIf you want to do it the right way, you have to aply and then it's up to the head admin wether or not he/she thinks you're qualified and /or able for the job.
      But i received an mail from Thrasher with your request so it might come quicker then usual.
      If you do become a moderator you are admin level 20.
      You can go to the top of this page and click in the tab OGHF info look what our rules are,
      what commands you can use in the game and how to use them.

      Hope this was any help, Good luck!
      Cheers Rob.
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    • If its admin rites for FFA its Thrasher, if its admin rites for 24/7 or TDM that request needs to come to myself as the head admin for those servers.
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